The PUGC Foundation Inc. (‘the Glee Club Foundation’) is the alumni association for the Princeton University Glee Club (‘the Glee Club’). The Glee Club Foundation seeks to enrich the choral singing experience at Princeton, by helping to provide high quality instruction and a happy choral home to as many Princeton students as possible, by supporting adventurous creative and artistic endeavors and touring projects, and by assisting the effort to build new and meaningful social/musical communities on campus and in the wider community.


The Glee Club Foundation recognizes the potential among the Glee Club’s remarkable alumni to impact the future of singing at Princeton, and seeks to build an ever closer union amongst current students and alumni by providing expert advice, consultation, encouragement and friendship. We will forge lasting connections with students and each other through our musical and social gatherings, and will create clear pathways for financial support of the Glee Club’s work through our fundraising efforts.


Anyone who sang in the the Glee Club (one concert or multiple years) while enrolled at Princeton University is automatically a member of the Glee Club Foundation. We also welcome parents of Glee Club alums and a select group of friends in the broader choral community as members of the Glee Club Foundation. We welcome all our alumni, parents and friends to participate in the exciting programs, events and activities of the Glee Club Foundation. Join our global community of over 2,000 alumni in keeping this great choral tradition alive for our generations and those to come.